29 June 2011

Kekusyukan Baru - Edit Gambar La Pulak

Assalamualaikum wbt..
Lame dh xupdate blog smpaikan my best fren, Zulfikar Hazri, tnye knape aku x update blog aku.
Hehehe biase ar..byk keje nk buat..kwang~~kwang~~kwang~~Hehehe
Sebenarnye mmg byk keje pn. Story ade berbakul tapi xsempat nk post.
Biase online kt opis jew. Kadang2 pendrive tinggal la, bila dh bwk pendrive lupa nk paste story
dalam pendrive..mcm2 lg la..mesti korg ckp 
"aaagh!! alasan je budak ijam nie..ckp je la malas"

Ape pn utk entry kali nie aku nk citer sikit je, xbanyak, psl addiction terbaru aku.
sejak dh pndai ber'photoshop' nie, asyik keje nk mengedit gmbr je.
Punca sbb tgk photo2 dlm internet yg di'edit' hingga xtergapai akal ku. Hahaha.

Dengan berbekalkan kamera Casio Exilim 8.1 megapixel, aku meng'kuku besi'kn
adik2 aku and kawan aku utk jadi model photo aku.
Kat bawah nie la hasilnye:-

(4 gmbr yg telah berjaya aku edit..hehehe)

Nie la gmbr2 yg aku edit dgn jayanya. Biar la org kate nie photo newbie ke, taraf bwh dr amatur ke, 
yg penting aku puas ati dgn hasil keje aku nie..hahahahaha (gelak bangga)
Kot2 boleh dpt job yg related ngan bende edit2 nie kn? hehehe..
Kepada yg tgk gmbr2 yg aku buat nie, ape pn komen anda aku akan terima.
Bagilah tip2 yg boleh improve keje editing aku nie. hehehe.
(model kamera yg aku gunakan.. Casio Exilim 8.1 megapixel. Setting - Panoramic View, No Flash)

(software Adobe Photoshop CS3 utk edit gmbr)

07 June 2011

Holy Qur’an with Reading pen

Price = MYR 300 (free shipping)

Package M-900 (recommended):-
1.      1 (one) complete luxurious printed Othmani font Holy Qur’an book.
2.      1 (one) reading pen with build-in speaker with USB port, memory card slot (memory card not included) and earphone jack. (This pen only can read the accompanied Holy Qur’an)
3.      User guide book.
4.      Earphone.
5.      USB cable with charging plug.

  1.  Using reading pen, touching any Aya, Surah or Chapter title & Page number to read.
  2. More than 20 famous Holy Qur’an recitations and translations optional.
  3. Translation any language by conversion button to start translating.
  4. Recording any Aya by record button to start recording contrast.
  5. Support TF card to extend memory for MP3 or new recite voices.
  6.  Battery capacity up to 6 hour (after fully charged).
  7.  Download MP3 files with the help of USB cable
  8.   Rechargeable built-in battery

       Reciters Voice Option
  1. Abdul Baset Abdu Essamad
  2. Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais
  3.  Sa’d Al-Ghamidi
  4. Ali Al-Hudhaifi
  5.  Maher Al-Muay
  6. Menshavi

 Translation Language Option:-
  1. Tafsir al-Jalalin
  2.  English
  3. Francais
  4. Espanol
  5. Deuts
  6. Turkce
  7. Farsi
  8. Mandarin
  9. Bahasa Malaysia
  10. German
  11. Urdu
  12. Uzbik

If interested please call:-
  1. Encik Jasni                              - 017-661 5366
  2. Puan Norhayati                       - 012-276 2115
  3. Encik Nizam                           - 014-263 6919